How to Do: Cat-Cow (Bitilasana Marjaryasana)

Pose Type: Backbend

Targets: Spine and Abdominals

Level: Beginner

Cat/Cow Pose is technically not a pose, but a flowing Vinyasa. In this beginner yoga sequence, you move your spine from a rounded position to an arched position in. This is done in synchronization with your inhalations and exhalations linking your breath to your movement, this is called Vinyasa.

Cat/Cow is one of the most popular yoga poses and can be used as a warmup for other poses. It increases your flexibility and is very effective in relieving tightness in the spine and neck. It also stretches the abdominal muscles.

Cat/Cow very effective as a moving meditation as you can easily coordinate your movement with your breath.

The fusion of these 2 poses help to counter the effects of sitting for extended periods during the day. It will lengthen your spine and relieve stress to help you relax and calm your mind.

How to do Cat-Cow Pose: (Bitilasana Marjaryasana)


  1. Begin in Table Pose with your hands and knees on the floor. Stack your shoulders above your wrists and your hips above your knees. Gaze down with your spine in a neutral position. Your abs engaged. Spread your finger wide.
  2. Inhale as you move into Cow Pose.
  3. Tilt your pelvis to lift your tailbone. Press into the floor with the base of your fingers and fingertips. Broaden the shoulders and lift your chest forward, drawing your navel inward.
  4. Relax your shoulders away from your ears as you lift your head. Keep a very slight bend in the elbows with the arm muscles engaged.
  5. Align your gaze to match the curve of your spine.
  6. Exhale as you move into Cat Pose.
  7. Round your spine and tilt your pelvis forward to tuck in your tailbone. Draw your navel in toward your spine.
  8. Relax your head toward the floor without tucking your chin toward your chest.
  9. Repeat this Cat/Cow flow on each inhale and exhale. Matching the movement with your breath.
  10. Repeat for 5-10 breaths.

Modifications for Cat-Cow (Bitilasana Marjaryasana):

In this beginner pose you shouldn’t experience any pain. But here are some modifications and different variations to make the pose more accessible to those with limitations.

  • If you experience pain in your wrists during the pose you can make fists and rest your knuckles on the floor instead of using an open hand.
  • You can also place yoga blocks underneath your hands for extra support.
  • For a wrist friendly variation rest your forearms on a yoga bolster and perform the pose as normal.
  • To ease discomfort in your knees you can place a folded blanket underneath them.

Variations of Cat-Cow (Bitilasana Marjaryasana):

Seated Cat-Cow Pose:

  • Sit on the edge of a stable chair.
  • Place your hands on your knees and your feet flat on the floor.
  • Inhale, tilt your pelvis forwards and arch your back for Cow pose. Gaze towards the ceiling.
  • Exhale, tilt your pelvis back and round your spine for Cat Pose. Draw your navel in and gaze downward.
  • Repeat 5 times

Standing Cat/Cow Pose

  • Stand with your legs hip width apart, and your knees slightly bent.
  • Place your hands on your thighs.
  • Now round your spine on the exhale for Cat Pose and inhale to curve the spine into Cow Pose.

Tips for Beginners:

  • Let your breath guide your movement rather than your movement guiding your breath.
  • Your fullest back extension in Cow should match the fullest extension of your inhale. And the same goes for Cat. Your lungs should be empty when your reach your fullest back flexion.
  • Focus on using your whole spine. Starting from the tailbone, feel yourself moving from the one vertebra to the next.
  • Experiment with different movements by bringing some side-to-side and circular movement to your hips. This will improve your range of motion.
  • Try the rolling Cat/Cow. Hinge at your knees and flow back and forth form Cow to Cat. Inhale on Cow, exhale during Cat.
  • To avoid wrist pain, do some wrist warmup exercises before starting.
  • You can tuck your toes for more stability. This will also lessen the pressure on your knees.


Cat/Cow core Exercise:

  • Extend your opposite arm and leg in Cow Pose.
  • Then draw your elbow in and bring your knee toward your nose as you round your back for cat pose.
  • Repeat 3 times or more on each side.

Beginner Mistakes:

  • Don’t strain your neck. Don’t overextend your neck when your shift your gaze up in Cow Pose and don’t force your neck down in Cat Pose.
  • Keep your shoulder blades broad and make sure your shoulders are relaxed and not drawn up towards your ears.
  • Keep your arms straight to keep the movement within your spine and not the arms and elbows.

Benefits of Cat-Cow (Bitilasana Marjaryasana):

  • This two-pose flow stretches the back and neck while opening the chest and shoulders. It also strengthens the abdominal and wrist muscles.
  • The synchronization of your breath and movements will help you to relax and relieve stress.
  • Flexing and extending the spine improves circulation in the disks and contributes to good spinal health.
  • It will relieve back pain if practices regularly.
  • It improves your balance and help to develop postural awareness.
  • Cat/Cow will counter the effects of sitting for extended periods every day.

Caution When Practicing Cat-Cow (Bitilasana Marjaryasana):

  • Stop if you feel any sharp pain during the pose.
  • Don’t tilt your head forward or back during the pose if you have a pre-existing neck injury that causes discomfort. Try to keep it as neutral as possible.
  • If you have a back issue, you can try performing Cow/Table Pose. Instead of moving into Cat Pose stop when your back is neutral (Table Pose).
  • Avoid hinging in the middle of your back, work towards curving the whole spine form your tailbone to your neck.
  • Always work within your own range of limits.

Try these 3 beginner back stretching yoga poses:




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