How to Do: Corpse Pose (Savasana)

Also Known As: Final Relaxation or Savasana
Targets: Relaxation
Level: Beginner
Every yoga session must finish with Corpse pose. The goal of this resting pose is to relax your body and mind after your yoga session, it is the most important part of the yoga session.
While Corpse Pose may seem easy, but it is one of the more difficult poses to master. For many the simple act of relaxing completely is very difficult.
You must be completely relaxed but also in a state of awareness. You must constantly be aware of your breath and all your body parts.
When you start to relax your heart rate slows down, and you are giving your breath a chance to slow down. This allows your parasympathetic nervous system the opportunity to enter a state of deep relaxation.
How to Do: Corpse Pose (Savasana)
- Lie down on your back on your mat.
- Spread your legs towards the edges of your mat. Relax your legs so that your feet can fall open to either side.
- Bring your arms to the mat, angled evenly away from the sides of the body. Your palms should be facing up, but don’t try to keep them open, let your fingers curl in.
- Make sure your spine is straight and your shoulder blades are resting evenly on the floor. Your shoulders should be down and away from your ears.
- Tuck your chin in towards your chest to make the back of your neck long.
- Make sure you are warm and comfortable
- Once you are in position, release any effort from holding your limbs in position. Relax your whole body, including your face.
- Close the eyes and take slow deep breaths through the nose and exhale through the mouth. As your body relaxes, feel the whole body rising and falling with each breath.
- After taking a few deep breaths for tension release, let your breath return to its normal state.
- Stay for a minimum of five minutes.
- To exit the pose, slowly bring awareness back to your body, stretch your arms overhead for a full body stretch from hands to feet.
- Bring your knees to your chest and roll over to one side, keeping your eyes closed.
- After a few breaths press yourself up with your hands and return to a comfortable seated position.
The Benefits of Corpse Pose (Savasana)
The benefits of Savasana are much more than just physical. This pose enhances and renews the body, mind, and spirit leaving you feeling rejuvenated.
- Savasana calms the mind, this deep relaxing aspect of the pose helps relieve stress, anxiety, and mild depression.
- It also relaxes the body. Relaxing your body in Savasana has many benefits, including reducing headaches, fatigue, and insomnia.
- It also helps to lower blood pressure.
- It promotes restful sleep and improves concentration.
Safety and Precautions:
Proper form and technique are essential to ensure the safety of any yoga practice.
- If your lower back is tight or painful you can place a rolled towel or bolster below your knees. This will relieve the pressure you might feel in your pelvis.
- If you are pregnant, use a rolled blanket or bolster to raise your head and chest.
Modifications and Variations for Corpse Pose (Savasana):
As with all yoga poses there are modifications for Savasana to make it more comfortable and accessible. Using props during Savasana can make the pose more comfortable and relaxing.
- If it’s at all cold in the room, cover up with a blanket before coming into Savasana.
- If you suffer from lower back, hip, or knee pain, you can place a bolster or rolled yoga mat under your knees. This will take the pressure of your lower back and make it more comfortable on your knees.
- Place a folded blanket underneath your neck and head until your forehead is slightly higher than your chin. This will help if you have discomfort in this area.
- Side-lying Savasana. This restorative version of Savasana works best if you place a bolster between your legs, allowing the bottom leg to lie long. Place a folded blanket underneath your neck and head for support.
- For shoulder support you can place blocks or folded blankets under your arms.
Beginner Tips for Corpse Pose (Savasana):
After settling in the pose let your breath flow naturally. Experience the sensations in your body without doing anything about them. Let go of everything and keep you mind clear. Notice your thoughts but don’t engage them, just let them flow past. Soon your mind will settle, and you will enter a state of complete relaxation. Your goal here doesn’t have to be oneness with the cosmic universe. I love this pose simply because it helps me relax and get a good night’s sleep.
Never leave a yoga class just before or even worse, during Savasana. It is extremely disruptive to the other students and just kind of rude.
Can you sleep in Savasana?
No, you should not sleep during the practice of Savasana. You should be aware of your body and breath during the practice of the pose. Practice Savasana before bed to relax and get quality rest.
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