How To Do: Tree Pose (Vrksasana)

Targets: Legs, Core, Balance

Level: Beginner

Tree Pose is a classic beginner standing pose. It will challenge your strength, balance and coordination.

It’s one of the first standing balancing poses you’ll learn because of its simplicity, but it’s not as easy as it looks.

This pose will improve your balance and stability while strengthening your core.

Because of the deep focus required to stay balanced in the pose, Tree Pose will help calm the mind.

And, because of its many modifications available, Tree Pose is great for all levels.

Tree pose is all about staying balanced and grounded.

How to Do: Tree Pose (Vrksasana)


  1. Start in Mountain Pose. Or start by standing with a straight back and your feet aligned and touching each other. Your arms should be straight along either side of your body.
  2. Inhale and lift your chest, and exhale as you draw your shoulder blades down your back. Gaze at a still object in front of you to find your balance.
  3. Start to shift your weight into one leg and slowly lift the other of the floor. Don’t lock the knee of the straight leg, and make sure it points straight forward.
  4. Lift the leg further by bending the knee, then rest the sole of your foot on your inner thigh. Use your opposite hand to guide your foot into place.
  5. Don’t place your foot on your knee. Below the knee is also fine.
  6. Your toes should be pointing down and your pelvis should be completely straight.
  7. Press your foot into your thigh and your thigh back into your foot with equal pressure. This will help you keep both hips squared toward the front.
  8. Point the knee of your bent leg outward and away from your body.
  9. Keep your core muscles engaged.
  10. When you feel steady, bring your palms together in front of your chest. On an inhale raise them above your head with palms facing each other or pressed together.
  11. Your head, shoulders, pelvis and standing foot should align vertically.
  12. Focus your gaze on something still to help you balance.
  13. Hold for several breaths breathing deeply.
  14. Return to mountain pose on an exhale and switch sides.

Modifications And Variations For Tree Pose (Vrksasana):

Here are a few modifications that can make tree pose more accessible to beginners. Listen to your body and modify the pose as needed.

  • Stand with you back against a wall for support and to help stabilize your form. Use this modification if you have a weak lower back.
  • If you have difficulty balancing, use a wall or chair to next to you, to hold on to.
  • Practice the pose while lying on your back to get your knee accustomed to the flexed position it should be in or if you have bad knees. 
  • If you can’t lift your foot all the way up, you can place it on your calf or even on your ankle with the ball of your foot still touching the floor.

Tips For Beginners:

  • Don’t lock the knee of your standing leg.
  • Don’t press your foot into your knee, it can cause injury. Place it either above or below the knee.
  • To help with balance, focus on a still object in front of you.
  • Make sure to keep the foot of your standing leg facing forward, and the toes of your other foot pointing down.
  • Move slowly, you are more likely to lose your balance if you rush into the pose.
  • Keep your core engaged and spine straight.
  • Keep your left and right hip aligned and level. If you can’t keep your hips level lower your foot until you can.
  • Make sure the lifted knee is pointing straight to the side and doesn’t start to come to the front of the body.
  • Continuously engage your ankles, legs, and core. Try and notice the tiny movements your body makes to keep you balanced. This improves body awareness.
  • Try to stay relaxed. Focus on an even breath and finding the balance between steadiness and ease in the pose.
  • For a challenge you can try closing your eyes.

The Benefits Of Tree Pose (Vrkshasana):

This standing posture helps to improve your balance, your posture and body awareness.

  • Tree pose helps to stretch and lengthen the ligaments and tendons in your feet.
  • It increases strength in the ankles and calves.
  • Improves your balance and coordination because you need correct posture and weight distribution.
  • Strengthens your core because you must constantly keep your core engaged to stay balanced.
  • Tree pose strengthens the legs while opening the hips and stretching the inner thigh muscles.
  • Doing Tree Pose regularly can relieve sciatica.
  • This Pose strengthens your legs, glutes, core, and back, and in so doing improves your posture and spinal alignment which is especially helpful if you sit throughout the day.
  • Tree Pose improves focus and concentration while calming your mind.
  • Practicing balancing poses in yoga, such as Tree Pose, will help you gain both physical and mental steadiness and poise.

Safety and Precautions:

  • Always practice within your limits and abilities.
  • If you struggle to keep your balance, use a wall for support.
  • Avoid Tree Pose if you have a hip or knee injury.
  • Practice with caution if you have low or high blood pressure. And when you are feeling lightheaded.

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