How To Do: Triangle Pose (Trikonasana)

Also Known as : Extended Triangle Pose
Level : Beginner
Target Area: Hamstrings, hips, chest and shoulders.
Pose Type: Standing Pose
Triangle Pose is a foundational standing yoga pose practiced is all styles of yoga.
It opens the chest, shoulders and hips while also stretching your hamstrings and back muscles.
It’s a good pose for beginners and can be easily modified with the help of props.
This is a good pose to practice your Yoga Breathing as it requires concentration and a steady breath.
In Triangle Pose your body forms an expanded triangle pointed in three different directions, hence the name.
How To Do Triangle Pose – Trikonasana
Step by step:
Start in Warrior II. It’s the easiest because your feet are already in the right position. Then straighten your front leg.
Start in mountain Pose. Step 3-4 feet back depending on your length. Raise your arms parallel to the floor, reach actively to the side with your shoulder blades wide and your palms facing down. Turn your back foot out 90 degrees and align your front and back heel.
- On an inhale, engage your core and front thigh muscles. As you inhale reached your front arm forward.
- Keeping both arms straight, exhale and lower your front hand down, hinging at the hips. Place your hand either on your shin, ancle or the floor. Your hand should be on the inside of your foot if it is on the floor.
- Make sure your body weight is distributed evenly between both legs.
- Rotate your ribs toward the ceiling.
- Your shoulders should be stacked, and the upper hand should be reaching for the ceiling. Your hands, arms and shoulders should form a straight line.
- Try and turn your gaze toward the ceiling, looking at your upper hand. Keep your neck in line with your spine.
- Check your hip alignment. Your bottom hip should not be sticking out to the side.
- There should be a very slight bend in your front knee to avoid hyper extending it.
- To exit the pose. Inhale and press your feet into the floor, using your whole body to lift back into 5-pointed star.
- Stay for 5 breaths, breathing normally. Repeat on the other side.
Modifications for Triangle Pose – Trikonasana
- To help you balance you can place your back heel against a wall. Or for more support you can keep you back against a wall.
- If your hips are tight, place a yoga block behind your front leg for your bottom hand to rest on. Start on the long side of the block. This will also improve you balance in the pose.
- If you don’t have yoga block you can place your hand higher on your leg as long as it’s not directly on your knee joint. This will also help to open your chest more.
Triangle Pose Variations:
Deepen your practice with this more advanced variation.
- Revolved Triangle Pose (Parivrtta Trikonasana).
- Enter the pose in the same way as regular Triangle Pose with your arm parallel to the floor.
- Pivot towards your front leg with your chest open without bending your knees.
- Start on either side and extend your opposite arm towards your front ankle.
- Once you’ve holding your front ankle slowly pivot your torso to face the direction of the leg you’re holding, gently twisting your body until you can comfortably look up.
Beginner Mistakes:
- Bending your front leg. Don’t bend your front leg in order to reach the floor with your hand. Place your hand on a yoga block or on your shin. Oven on your thigh is ok if you are very tight.
- Resting your hand on your knee joint. Never rest you hand on your knee, this places too much pressure on the joint. Place your hand on a yoga block or on your shin.
- Feet not lined up. Make sure your front heel is in line with the arch of your back foot.
- Legs are too close together. If your legs are too close together you are not getting the full benefits of the pose. Your stance should be as wide as possible while still maintaining stability.
Beginners Tips:
- Only lower your hand as far down as your flexibility permits, even if that means resting it on your thigh.
- You can keep the hand of your top arm on your hip if that feels more stable.
- You want your shoulders to be stacked vertically in this pose.
- Avoid bending your back and rounding your spine. You should be bending side ways and not forward.
- Constantly keep your core and thigh muscles engaged while you are in the pose.
- Be sure to rotate your front thigh outward to keep your knee aligned with your foot.
The benefits of Triangle Pose – Trikonasana
- Triangle pose strengthen the leg and back muscles
- It stretches the spine and hamstrings and unlocks the hip flexors while opening the chest and shoulders.
- It improves balance and stability and mental focus
- It relieves lower back pain and sciatica.
- Triangle pose stimulates the organs to improve digestion and metabolism.
- It relieves feelings of anxiety and stress.
The aim of any yoga pose is to enhance your health, so it is important to do it right.
- Do not practice Triangle Pose if you suffer from Low blood pressure or headaches.
- If you have a neck injury, do not turn your head to face your top hand. Look down to the floor.
- If you have high blood pressure or get dizzy, face the floor rather than looking up at your hand.
- Always practice within your own limits and abilities.
- Keep a micro-bend in the knee that you are bending towards and avoid placing your hand directly on the joint.