How to perform: Sun Salutation B – Suraya Namaskar B

What is the difference between Sun Salutation A and B?

Sun Salutation A is perfect for beginners whereas Sun Salutation B includes more strenuous postures like the Warrior I Pose to enhance core strength and stamina.

There are 17 poses in the Sun Salutation B sequence.
The sequence presented below is often referred to as Sun Salutation B, which is usually practiced after several rounds of Sun Salutation A. Remember to breathe through your nose as you practice. If you are having trouble breathing smoothly, slow your movements. Don’t force yourself and modify the poses where necessary.
The Sun Salutation is a group of yoga poses performed in a specific sequence and linked with your breath. When you practice a Sun Salutation, you inhale to extend, and exhale to bend.
You’ll start to gain strength and flexibility by practicing Sun Salutations

After a few rounds of Surya Namaskar A , you’ll be warmed up and ready to move through the sequence below. You’ll fire up your legs in Chair and you’ll add the strong standing pose, Warrior I.
Once you establish a rhythm and familiarity with this sequence, you can start to create sequences by adding poses after Warrior I.
For all Sun Salutations, it’s essential that you breathe in and out through your nose and elongate your breath. Try to imagine that your breath leads the movement, it’s what compels you to move through each pose.

Do this sequence at least 5 times in a row for the best results.

  1. Mountain Pose
  2. Chair Pose
  3. Forward Fold
  4. Half Forward Fold
  5. Four Limbed Staff Pose
  6. Upward Facing Dog
  7. Downward Facing Dog
  8. Warrior I
  9. Four Limbed Staff Pose
  10. Upward Facing Dog
  11. Downward Facing Dog
  12. Warrior I
  13. Four Limbed Staff Pose
  14. Upward Facing Dog
  15. Downward Facing Dog
  16. Half Forward Fold
  17. Forward fold
  18. Chair Pose
  19. Mountain Pose

Mountain Pose

• Root your feet into the ground, big toes touching
• Arches lifting
• Pelvis neutral
• Quads drawing up
• rotate back and down
• Crown of head reach above
• Arm at you side palms facing forward

1.Chair Pose

• Inhale chair pose. Bend knees.
• Keep chest lifted. Broaden the shoulders. Arms extended overhead.
• Draw arms back towards ears
• Sink deep into hips, core engaged.
• Sink weight back into heels.
• Hug thighs together
• Lengthen the sides of the neck evenly, gaze toward the thumbs.

2.Standing Forward Bend

• Exhale Forward Fold
• Hinge from the hips to forward fold
• Grow Long through the Spine
• Relax the Neck

3.Half Forward Fold

• Inhale Halfway Lift
• Flat Back
• Hands press against shins
• pull shoulder blades together
• lengthen from the tailbone to the crown of the head

4.Four Limbed Staff Pose

• Exhale Chaturanga (four limbed staff pose)
• Stack Your Shoulders, Wrists and Elbows
• Elbows Bend to a 90-degree angle
• keep shoulder blades together & down your back
• engage the core
• press back through the heels

5.Upward Facing Dog

• Inhale, Upward Facing Dog
• Slide Forward, straighten arms
• Open Your Chest
• Roll on to the tops of your feet
• Lift your thighs off the mat
• Pull Belly to Spine
• Pull Shoulder blades together & Down your back

6.Downward Facing Dog

• Exhale hips high downward facing dog
• feet hips distance apart
• hands shoulder distance
• press into all ten fingers
• pull your belly to your spine

7.Warrior I

• Step back foot to a 45 degree angle
• Front knee should be bended at 90 degrees, stacked over ankle
• Front heel & back leg should connect in a straight line.
• Square hips
• Arms extended overhead.
• Gaze toward hands

8.Four Limbed Staff Pose

• Exhale Chaturanga (four limbed staff pose)
• Stack Your Shoulders, Wrists and Elbows
• Elbows Bend to a 90-degree angle
• keep shoulder blades together & down your back
• engage the core
• press back through the heels

9.Upward Facing Dog

• Inhale, Upward Facing Dog
• Slide Forward, straighten arms
• Open Your Chest
• Roll on to the tops of your feet
• Lift your thighs off the mat
• Pull Belly to Spine
• Pull Shoulder blades together & Down your

10.Downward Facing Dog

• Exhale hips high downward facing dog
• feet hips distance apart
• hands shoulder distance
• press into all ten fingers
• pull your belly to your spine

11.Warrior I

• Step back foot to a 45 degree angle
• Front knee should be bended at 90 degrees, stacked over ankle
• Front heel & back leg should connect in a straight line.
• Square hips
• Arms extended overhead.
• Gaze toward hands

12.Four Limbed Staff Pose • Exhale Chaturanga (four limbed staff pose)

• Stack Your Shoulders, Wrists and Elbows
• Elbows Bend to a 90-degree angle
• keep shoulder blades together & down your back
• engage the core
• press back through the heels

13.Upward Facing Dog

• Inhale, Upward Facing Dog
• Slide Forward, straighten arms
• Open Your Chest
• Roll on to the tops of your feet
• Lift your thighs off the mat
• Pull Belly to Spine
• Pull Shoulder blades together & Down your

14.Downward Facing Dog

• Exhale hips high downward facing dog
• feet hips distance apart
• hands shoulder distance
• press into all ten fingers
• pull your belly to your spine

15.Half Forward Fold

• Inhale Halfway Lift
• Flat Back
• Hands press against shins
• pull shoulder blades together
• lengthen from the tailbone to the crown of the head

16.Standing Forward Bend

• Exhale Forward Fold
• Hinge from the hips to forward fold
• Grow Long through the Spine
• Relax the Neck

17.Chair Pose

• Inhale chair pose. Bend knees.
• Keep chest lifted. Broaden the shoulders. Arms extended overhead.
• Draw arms back towards ears
• Sink deep into hips, core engaged.
• Sink weight back into heels.
• Hug thighs together
• Lengthen the sides of the neck evenly, gaze toward the thumbs.

18.Mountain pose

• Root your feet into the ground, big toes touching
• Arches lifting
• Pelvis neutral
• Quads drawing up
• rotate back and down
• Crown of head reach above
• Arm at you side palms facing forward

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